"Building Sustainable Communities and Forests Through Karubee Happy Bees"
Compassionate- Unfiltered- Indigenous

Compassionate: our honey and other products are produced from committed bee- keepers and farmers.
“Happy bees, fine honey”- Karuna honey bees are surrounded by national preservation forests and cared by our committed beekeepers. As the fact that the number of bees declining rapidly over the world due to climate change, habitat loss, invasive species and pesticides. Thereby, there is the urge to take action to protect bees- the best indicator for good healthy environment.
Showing all 11 results

Karuna healing candle from beeswax with Cinamon essential oil, size M
Suggested Price: ₫220.000 Add to cart
Karuna healing candle from beeswax with Cinamon essential oil, size S
Suggested Price: ₫120.000 Add to cart
Karuna healing candle from beeswax with citronella essential oil, size M
Suggested Price: ₫220.000 Add to cart
Karuna healing candle from beeswax with Peppermint essential oil, size M
Suggested Price: ₫220.000 Add to cart
Karuna healing candle from beeswax with Peppermint essential oil, size S
Suggested Price: ₫120.000 Add to cart